Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Week 18 - To boldly go where I have never gone before

This was the week I was waiting for. I would finally see how my body dealt with running much farther than I had ever gone before. Here's what it looked like:

Monday 26th April: Weights followed by an easy run along College to Railpath and back along Emmerson. 6km
Tuesday 27th April: Hill Repeats  X5 on Humbercrest ~ 350m Splits were: 1:49; 1:51; 1:48; 1:53; 1:49 they were hard work!  16.7km
Wednesday 28th April: AM Weights and easy run to rail path and back 6.2km.
PM Longboat club run along waterfront including 3km @4:00/km and 3km @ 3:50/km 16.2km
Thursday 29th April: Easy hilly run to Old Mill and back. Legs felt dead at first, but loosened up after about 5km 16.6km
Friday 30th April: No run!
Saturday 1st May: Longboat High Park Run on trails. 10.6km
Sunday 2nd May: This is it, 60km my highest mileage ever, and still only two thirds the distance of Comrades! I ran this one in stages, partly alone and partly with friends from Longboat who were very supportive. It didn't feel too bad, I even managed to eat some salted boiled potatoes at the 40k mark!

All in all it was a good week. Not too much mileage during the week probably helped a little on the weekend 60k. While the run itself was fine, I suffered terribly when all my leg muscles seemed to cramp at once in the ice bath afterwards. Note to self: After running that far: forget the ice bath!

Week Total: 132.3km
Year to Date: 1893km